Whether you are an individual, an institution, or a fund of funds, as an ARALON investor, you share our entrepreneurial spirit and excitement for Eastern Europe. 

As we are not a public fund, we neither advertise nor mass-market this exciting opportunity. Rather, we model ourselves as an entrepreneurs-style investment company, which we invite you to become a part of. We make ourselves known primarily through word of mouth because we firmly believe that if you like the quality of our work, then you will refer other investors with similar attitudes and interests.

Making a financial investment is only the beginning of value creation. As one Bulgarian government official told us: “Just putting €300 million on the table and saying, ‘Let’s invest’ is not enough. You have to build your reputation as an investor step by step.” At ARALON, we understand the greater meaning of value: of knowing that your investment is actually helping to “grow Europe,” of building a lasting trust with our business partners. In the end, it’s about earning a good reputation, as well as a good return.